Yes, my friends at AaronFM and I said in December a new “Independent Music” stream was on the way in January. And, yes, the channel is still not yet here even though it’s almost April (as of this writing anyway).
That’s the way life goes.
Alas, progress is being made behind the scenes.
A new-and-improved stream is just days away. We’ve set up our new account on, and now we’re just loading in music. As soon as we’ve got those ole’ ducks lined up just a little more, we’ll be broadcasting via a link you can find right here on this site.
Bewarned: we’re going to be (re)starting slowly. The new stream, at first, will just be a hodge podge of independent bands most listeners have never heard of, and we’ll not have any DJ’s explaining who these great folks are. But that will all change in time.
We’re working on less than a shoestring here, so nothing is going to happen fast. But, if all goes well, will be surpassing it’s old self before the end of 2014: we’ll bring back, and add too, our live shows; we’ll have great info about the bands we play, and we may even end up doing some live, in-studio sessions with bands that come through our little ole town. Who knows what great things the future will bring!?
So, just stay tuned. We’ll keep you updated on all the cool stuff that’s coming. And thanks for your patience!